Karen House Catholic Worker |
The RoundTable Crisis and Hope Winter 1983 Major Articles
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Regular Features
Why This Issue: THE COVER: Wei means end or breakdown. Chi means opportunity, new birth, breakthrough. Together, they are the two characters that make up the Chinese word Crisis, on our cover courtesy of Cathy Hartrich’s calligraphy.
We choose to associate Hope with the present state of crisis that the signs of the times portray. (If you recall, the last issue was on Faith, and a discerning individual may correctly predict with ease that the next issue’s theme will be Love.)
Mary Luke Tobin, S.L., reminds us that God’s presence in human history is a constant source of hope. Our resident Presbyterian, Mike McIntyre, shares a scriptural reflection on the basis of our hope in resistance to the arms race. Bill Miller offers a sensitive reflection about Don, a longtime guest. Virginia Druhe has pulled together a collage of photos, poetry and quotations that comprise the “centerpiece” of the issue. Then, because four of our former quests have died since our last publication, we have included a memorial page. We conclude, as usual, with notes from each of the three houses. Because we believe the Bishops' Pastoral is one of the greatest signs of Hope addressing the present Crisis, we reprint in full this statement from The Editors of the New York Catholic Worker, whose sentiments we fully share:
God Will Grant Us the Grace
As the Catholic bishops of the United States prepare their pastoral on war and peace, we look to them to call for an end to all war - to proclaim the immorality of both the use and possession of all weapons which threaten the lives of God's children. Though we hope and commit ourselves to work and pray that all nations will lay down their arms, w e must begin with ourselves, with challenging the nation in which we live. For, as Christians, we know that all morality is unilateral-those engaged in evil may not demand that others cease participation as a condition of their own withdrawal.
We say this with some understanding of the real difficulties involved. Yet we hold to our belief that God will now, as always, grant us the grace to follow His teaching to love. Toward this end, we urge the use of the spiritual weapons -prayer, fasting, and non-cooperation with evil. We see the daily practice of the works of mercy and voluntary poverty as the road to be followed, not the works of war and greed. Recognizing that our first responsibility is to God when laws of the State conflict with morality, we see the refusal to pay taxes for war, to register for conscription, nonviolent boycotts and actions as methods that can be employed.
We call not only on our bishops, but on all Christians, lay and religious to join as a community in this effort for peace with justice, remembering His words: “Set your mind on God's kingdom and His justice before everything else and all the rest will come to you as well.” Mt. 6:33. |
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